I've always wondered if music can affect the mood you are in. For instance, if you are depressed will happy music cheer you up and brighten your mood? Or will listening to sad songs make you feel depressed and sad? Many people and scientists do agree that music does affect your mood that you are in. 

 It is proven that music does affect our mood and our attitude. Music can help release stress, inspire and motivate us. Music can also affect your mood depending on the type of music. For example music with lyrics that have negative messages like some rap and metal cause people to become more angry. Or music with positive lyrics like pop and alternative rock can make us happy.

It is proven that music does alter brain waves that affects your even after you've stopped listening to it. So music does affect our mood and attitude whether it be for the better or for the worst. Who know

5/16/2013 03:12:01 am

Rap and metal doesn't necessarily mean that music gets someone angry. Rap music is usually about either sex, money and drugs. But its true like you said a lot of rap music does cause people to be angry because it promotes gang violence. Metal music when people use their voices to sing or growl their using their voice as an instrument. And there are other types of metal music where its just about violence and hurting people thus causing mosh pits. :P


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