By:  Allan Kalashi Pour

Nations brought to chaos, people unsure and undecided, this is all the doing of one Neanderthal, Ponter Boddit. The book Hominids by Robert J Sawyer shows that if a country produces new development, that country will be plagued with envy, fear, and hatred by other countries which causes corruption, suspicion and threats. This has always been the case throughout history, no matter what year or era there will always be one nation that carries something another nation envys. In this case the country that’s carrying this new development is Canada and practically every other country wants their hands on what they’ve got.

Near the middle of the book Hominids when Ponter Boddit is well recognised and thought of as a star is when the government truly starts to take notice, including the citizens. The citizens of Canada are actually the first to take notice of Ponter, unlike the government of Canada who only takes real interest later on. The Canadian citizens carry mixed feeling towards Ponter, for instance some think of him as a religious symbol “A religious sect in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is hailing the arrival of the Neanderthal in Canada as the second coming of Christ”(166). Of course that is just a few, but there is of course fear shown by the people of Canada and that is proven when multiple threat letters had been sent to Ponter “...Sudbury police and the RCMP have recorded only thirteen threats against his life.”(166). As you can tell the Citizens of Canada carry mixed feelings towards Ponter, now let’s move away from how the citizens think of Ponter and move onto the Canadian government and other countries. When the Canadian government finally acknowledged Ponter’s existence as a real Neanderthal not much was actually done other than moving Ponter to a new location “Where should we take him?” Asked Reuben. “That I do not know,” Replied Singh, “But if he is well, he does not belong in a hospital” Reuben nodded “All right we’ll take him with us when we leave. Is there a way to sneak him out without the press knowing?”(152). The Canadian government doesn’t actually carry any concern for Ponter; they are actually excited to have Ponter that they give him a Canadian citizenship right away. Of course not everybody agrees with the Canadian governments, for instance some immigrants that want entry into Canada “Did Ponter Boddit gain legal entry into Canada? That question continues to bother immigration experts at home and abroad.”(224). This as you can see is a form of envy and anger towards Ponter by those that wanted entry into Canada, the immigrants that want entry in Canada are angry because Ponter’s been given special treatment. This isn’t the only sign of displeasure of giving Ponter full citizenship, as seen by France when saying that Ponter does not belong to them and that he should be given a French citizenship instead, “A coalition of scientists in France has issued a statement saying that although Ponter Boddit’s arrival on earth did take place on Canadian soil, he clearly was not born in the nation, and no Neanderthal lived in North America. His citizenship, they contend, should therefore be French since the youngest Neanderthal fossils were found in that country”(249). This is another sign of envy towards Canada, since Canada has a new discovery and if placed as a Canadian citizen by law no other country has the right to actually touch or experiment on Ponter, which many country want Ponter for themselves. As you can see many people envy the Canadian government since they have Ponter Boddit a new discovery in which everyone wants.

Fear is a common thing to experience, especially between countries when one carries something that could be a potential threat. Fear is shown many times within the book, but one major scene that shows what fear can cause is when Russia pointed their missiles towards Canada out of fear. Russia had pointed their missiles at Canada out of fear because Ponter had caught a sickness and they had to put him in quarantine so Russia thought they might have a new plague on their hands. So they thought it would be best to be prepared in case a plague did break out, “Unconfirmed rumors today that Russia has targeted Northern Ontario with ICBMs carrying nuclear weapons. ‘If a plague has entered our world somebody needs to stand ready to sterilize the infected area, for the greater good of all mankind,’ said a person signing himself as Yuri A. Petrov in an internet newsgroup devoted to cross border health”(350-351). As you can see fear is possibly the worst thing that could happen between two countries, for it could cause unnecessary problems and strain relationships.

The book Hominids by Robert J Sawyer shows that if a country produces new development, that country will be plagued with envy, fear, and hatred by other countries which causes corruption, suspicion and threats. Once a country gains a new development that other countries want is causes all sorts of issues outside and within the country.

Presidential elections more like presidential selections. We all know that the elections for Iran new "president" is in a week, and it seems that the Iranian people have their hopes too high for the politicians that are running for presidency. Let's face Iranian politicians are worse than American politicians and that's saying something.  For many years Iran has had a fake democracy in which the people believe the people they vote for could actually support their ideals, but in reality the people who become Presidents are actually chosen by Iran's supreme leader. I'm pretty sure if your country has a supreme leader then you should realize that your country isn't a democracy. I do hope that the Iranians realize what's going on and try to come to a solution without violence, but if violence is to be brought in, than Iran's civil war will be more devestating then s

 In one of my most recent posts I wrote about how some leaked info talked about how the US government is spying on everything that the american people do. Whether it be by internet, or by phone the US government has been spying on people so that they can protect them from "terrorists", what a lie. The hero that leaked this info is an ex-CIA agent who thought that what he was doing and what the US government is doing, is morally wrong. He felt that the american people deserved to know what the US government  is doing to the rights of the american people. He also believes that the US citizens should have a say in what the government is doing. I do hope that the American citizens realize that what he did has nothing to do with betraying the US or becoming a defect. He left america because he knew that the NSa and other agents would hunt him, so support him don't deny his truth.

 In recent news we've learnt that North Korea has decided to open talks with South Korea. This just shows that North Korea past threats of nuking America and South Korea was all just a bluff of making them seem more powerful than they actually we're. But at least North Korea is now willing to open up peace talks with South Korea and America. North Korea was most likely pressured by their only Allie China to open up peace talks. Hopefully with peace talks in progress North Korea will smarten up think before they do something as foolish as threatening America and South Korea. If things don't go well then North Korea will still be sanctioned and the people will still continue to suffer. But if things go well and North Korea ceases it's nuclear program than the sanctioned will be removed and the North Korean people will be able to get the needed food and be able to work.

 As you've probably heard by now, there was a British news paper that reported that the United States was recording millions of Americans phone calls under a top secret court order. This is outrageous not only is this a breach of people civil rights but also a sign of fascism! They've been listening into peoples private conversations, this is disgusting, who gives them the right to breach the civil rights of these people, the Obama administration? They say they're doing this to fight terrorism, what a bunch of lies your just doing this to keep the American people under their control. How long before America starts listening in on Canadian phone calls, and say it's to stop terrorism. Maybe they've already been listening in on our conversations, who knows, and I honestly doubt that Stephen Harper would do anything to protect our right if America did start listening in. All I hope is that the American people don't stay silent and start standing up for their rights, that have been breached in a severe way.

So I was on al Jazeera website when I ran across an interesting news article about how the Taliban says that 10,000 pink balloons to highlight youth creativity aims "encourage un-Muslim behaviour". This was the most whack thing that I've ever heard, how does not wearing a hijab make you a non-Muslim yourself, it's one of the most stupidest things I've heard from the Taliban. The Taliban are un-Muslim for killing innocent whether they're Muslim or not, these people deserve their rights that has not been given to them because of the Taliban saying it's not Islamic. Killing is not Islamic, killing your self along with others is also not Islamic, the Taliban are non Islamic for doing these disgusting things. The Afghan people especially the women need their rights and freedom given back and if this small act of distributing pink balloons to represent peace will put them on the right step of gaining their much needed hope. Than so be it, what's so bad about being more free, and having rights, especially for the women who have most likely suffered the most because of the Taliban's terrorism. The Taliban are non-Muslim because they strike fear into those who do not agree with they're way of thinking, and they believe that they're way of thinking is how Islam is when it really isn't. For Islam is the representation of peace while the Taliban are the opposite of what Islam stands for, they're people who say they do this for Islam but their just wrong and are killing thousands for no reason. So all in all this project is a good thing and will help put Afghanistan back on the right tracks and improve they're views on everything around, even if it's just some small event it still shows that Afghanistan still has a good chance to remove Taliban with small donations like these. 

Hominids by Robert J.Sawyer examines two unique species of people. We are one of those species; the other is the Neanderthals of another world where they became the main intelligent race. The main protagonist is Ponter Boddit who is a  neanderthal physicist in his world who accidentally pierces the barrier between both worlds and is teleported into our universe. So it's about a Neanderthal who is learning about our world and how our world reacts to a living neanderthal.

Hominids is a very odd sci-fi story  that shows the difference between our two governments. Hominids has a mediocre story line, dull characters in which i mean are unrealistic and very boring, and the book Hominid has some unneeded  parts like one of the female characters being raped, which doesn't really relate to the story in any way. In all honesty it was a really uninteresting read and I felt that I had to force myself to finish this book in order to fully understand this book. I also felt that this book was very biased in many areas and makes us humans look like the bad guys while the pacifist neanderthals are the good guys, and only because their privacy and rights has been breached in every possible way. So in all this book was unappealing and very boring and if given a rating out of  five it would be a 2/5 only because of how he relates the different types of governments.

I've never actually enjoyed watching horror movies ever in my life. Horror movies always leave me keeping all the lights on in my room when I go to sleep or I have to run really fast if i'm anywhere dark in case something tries to grab and kill me. But that's just me, a lot of people actually enjoy watching scary/horror movies because it gives them a rush or a thrill, since it get's their heart beating very fast due to fear. The reason why some people watch horror movies is that  they need the excitement, the desire to feel intense emotions, and distraction from everyday concerns. Although their are many other movies that can give you the intense feelings, some people watch scary movies to prove to their peers that they are brave and aren't actually scared of these type of movies. For this reason horror movies are usually watched in groups not by a lone person, not everyone enjoys the blood and gore in horror movies but they still  watch for their own objectives. Like  demonstrating their ability to tolerate it, or the desire to master the threatening images. Whatever the reason, people watch horror movies for their own reason so their really isn't any one side answer for why we watch since everyone has the

Exams, a huge assessment test that could literally affect your mark and total average, in a good way or bad way. Exams are like age old torturing device put on us from the beginning of high school to the end of  University/College. I and many more believe that exams are a waste of time and just places too much stress on the students taking the exam. Exams make up 30% of our final mark for what ever class we're taking the exam for. This 30% will either pass you, fail you, give you a better mark than your original or give you a worse mark than your original. Exams also place a lot of stress on student for those reasons cause if you screw up on the exam your good mark drops down quit a lot. So if it weren't for exams students wouldn't be under stress due to the fact they might fail. All in all exams are useless and only good for lowering your mark.

I've always wondered if music can affect the mood you are in. For instance, if you are depressed will happy music cheer you up and brighten your mood? Or will listening to sad songs make you feel depressed and sad? Many people and scientists do agree that music does affect your mood that you are in. 

 It is proven that music does affect our mood and our attitude. Music can help release stress, inspire and motivate us. Music can also affect your mood depending on the type of music. For example music with lyrics that have negative messages like some rap and metal cause people to become more angry. Or music with positive lyrics like pop and alternative rock can make us happy.

It is proven that music does alter brain waves that affects your even after you've stopped listening to it. So music does affect our mood and attitude whether it be for the better or for the worst. Who know