Exams, a huge assessment test that could literally affect your mark and total average, in a good way or bad way. Exams are like age old torturing device put on us from the beginning of high school to the end of  University/College. I and many more believe that exams are a waste of time and just places too much stress on the students taking the exam. Exams make up 30% of our final mark for what ever class we're taking the exam for. This 30% will either pass you, fail you, give you a better mark than your original or give you a worse mark than your original. Exams also place a lot of stress on student for those reasons cause if you screw up on the exam your good mark drops down quit a lot. So if it weren't for exams students wouldn't be under stress due to the fact they might fail. All in all exams are useless and only good for lowering your mark.

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