Smoking is the main cause for lung cancer by increasing the chance of you getting lung cancer. I became interested in the question "Does smoking affect genders differently?" while watching the news channel Al Jazeera. On the program that was on they we're talking about how different genders are affected differently by smoking. By differently they mean who is more likely to get lung cancer  and they said that women we're more likely to get lung cancer from smoking than men. It was stated that women who smoked had a 19% higher chance of getting lung cancer. While males has 9% higher chance of getting lung cancer a 10% difference. Of course this is compared to non smokers, now on to people that have been smoking for more than 30 years or so. The scientist also stated that women who have been smoking for more than 30 years have a 50% higher chance of getting lung cancer 50% that's crazy. While for men who have been smoking for more than 30 years have a 35% higher chance of getting lung cancer once again a lower chance of getting lung cancer than women. Although not stated during the program why I decided to do a bit of searching on my own. I found out that women find it more difficult than men to quit smoking, and are also more likely to start smoking again even if they do quit. Although many doctors aren't quit sure why, women are far more affected by smoking than men. Other than that there wasn't much info for this reason it seems that doctors have been working on this for years and still haven't figured out the reason. So it will most likely take a lot more longer for them to figure out why women are more affected by smoking than men.

5/6/2013 10:56:34 pm

i never really knew that. im glad i dont smoke. thanks for the facts. :)


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