The third year of Zugzwang has already come and passed in what felt like only days. The third year of Zugzwang wasn't all that different from the second year of Zugzwang other than the the major party bringing up a law about a dictatorship and me and my party running for prime minister. Sadly, the third year wasn't much better in deaths, for we still had around 10 deaths due to some corruption with the food. Thankfully just about everything else went a lot smoother considering the government was handling things okay.

 Trading season for the third year was really chaotic and unorganized for half the time. The reason for this is that we had a lot of corruption with the food hex and many other hex's and not a lot of peoples hex's we're powered for instance the education hex's a necessity that was not powered. The big part of the corruption had to mainly deal with the food hex's since one of the sellers was only selling to a few , while one was demanding donations of $1000 if you wanted to buy some food. So, practically if you didn't have any form of money over a thousand dollars you couldn't get any food for your family and they all died. All in all it was really funny how unorganized and crazy trading season was.
 This years house of commons was very interesting considering there we're only two party's "The Chewbacca Party", and the"" with the "" having the majority .There we're only for new laws passed the three were just edited laws, but the fourth law was very surprising.  For the last law brought up a point of changing the government from a democracy to a dictatorship with only five leaders, this law obviously surprised the people as well as my party (The Chewbacca Party) since this was the first time such  a thing was ever brought up in the house of commons and suggested. Luckily one of their own part member knew this was a very bad and unmoral thing to do so he and another opposing party member voted giving us the majority vote for democracy. This was really good for my party considering not many people trust the opposing party now.

 This years court session was the biggest one we've had compared to the other ones, with a total of 6 court sessions. The reason for it being was due to the huge corruption that had happened over the food and with a couple of contracts being broken. The people who had sued over uncompleted contracts had successfully sued the guilty members, and those suing over corruption has not and will not happened since the accuse has passed away and the court session is now null void. All in all this court session was very intense at some moments while others we're not as interesting  but it was organized to an extant and not as immature as the second year.

 So the third year of Zugzwang was very interesting  intense, and surprising at many times. I felt that people are going to start expecting to hear more about what the party's will do for them in the next election and vote in someone more trusting since i'm pretty sure that the majority party lost it's support after bringing up that law. Hopefully year 4 of Zugzwang will be just as intense and fun as this year.

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